Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Four Months Older and Wiser...

Wow!!! Was it really September the last time we updated this? I could use the excuse that we've been busy with the holidays, taking care of Lincoln and a whole laundry list of other reasons, but....well ok, we have no other real excuses. Needless to say, it's been very busy in the Squires household. So before we update everyone, we want to play a little game. There's a secret message in this blog posting. 100 points to anyone who can find it!!

So since September, Lincoln was baby superman for Halloween, had his first baby Thanksgiving (baby food Turkey which he didn't enjoy the first time he tried it), got lots of wonderful baby clothes and toys for Christmas, welcomed the 2010 baby new year, started eating baby food 3 times a day and got his first baby teeth! He's also sitting on his own now, scooting in circles on his little baby stomach, and saying Dada and Mama (but we're pretty sure they are accidental in nature). He started trying to wave this week but does it at completely random times and he almost has his 'high five' down. We'll have him saluting before you know it! Yes, we've been real busy! But we're positive everyone is here to see the pictures so we won't belate your wishes any farther....

Can you see my baby teeth?

That's one bad kitty....

Baby, that's one future MVP!!

Will I make a good big brother?

We hope all of our family and friends enjoyed the latest post. Give us a call if you figured out the message! Love Everyone~ Nick, Holly, Lincoln and the rest of the clan....


  1. Nick and Holly,
    He's so adorable:). What a happy baby. It looks like your all doing well and have had quite the year. Enjoy it all.
    Love, Keith, Jennifer, Berkeley and Preston

  2. Nick, Holly & Lincoln,
    Thanks for the update. I so love looking at the photos. Lincoln is one lucky and very loved little boy. The joy is in every expression he makes! Of course I love seeing photos of my darling soul sister as well. I miss her so.
    Sending you many happy thoughts and loads of love,
