We especially want to thank both of our families for helping us out. As you can see, the nursery looks amazing. Thank you to the McCarthy family for the crib; the Squires family for the changing table (and jogging stroller), the Munson family (and Wendy!) for the car seats, stroller and the beautiful name on the wall! Thank you as well to Great-Grandma Eleanore and Great Aunt Ginger (and Steve) for the matress and bedding. And finally to the Fine family who passed down so many great gifts. Our drawers are overflowing from the clothes passed down from cousin Nicholas and Nate. Everyone is so very special and we can never say thank you enough! Here are a couple of pictures to see what you've all contributed:
One thing you'll notice is that our other little baby (Holly-Bear) has gotten quite large. Since we don't have pictures of Lincoln yet, here's a couple of pictures showing her growth (December to May):
So for those that don't know, Nick has started a new job with ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) Consulting. He loves his new job and they are being very supportive, allowing him to work remotely while waiting for Lincoln to come. Although in the past 3 weeks, he's been to Arlington, VA, Norfolk VA and San Francisco, CA. We know he's had fun visiting family and the Fine's, but we're glad to have him home now!
Holly is now at 35 weeks and we're starting our weekly visits to see when she'll start dilating. It's very exciting. If anyone didn't know, Holly is doing a natural birth at the Charleston Birthing Center. It's going to be a very positive and loving event. We're taking the hypnobabies course where positive thinking and self-hypnonsis is central. It may sound wishy-washy but if you do some research it supposedly works very well. We appreciate everyone's support as we do this! So that's about it for now. Our next post will probably be after Lincoln's Birth Day. If you are inclined and haven't done so yet, feel free to put your final guesses on when Lincoln will come and what he will weigh and measure. Just go to the last post and click the link. Again, in the left corner you must enter LincolnsLottery in the search engine.
We love you all and can't wait for you to meet our new family member.
I am so excited for you all!! The nursery looks fabulous! You did a wonderful job. Holly is glowing! I love the rocking chair. I can't imagine how many hours I spent in ours,singing my heart out. I wish I had thought to put a cushion on it like you did!
ReplyDeleteYou are in my thoughts, prayers and heart always.
Much love and many blessings,