Well Lincoln has officially been with us for 9 days and we honestly can't imagine our lives without him. He is such a blessing and really a calm baby. He fusses some when he is hungry but other than that, he just chills out. We've taken him to restaurants, shopping and out on errands and he just sleeps or relaxes. He doesn't seem to be phased by anything. He wakes up a couple of times during the night to eat but it's back to sleeping right afterwards. So I guess we're very lucky. And Lincoln had his first appointment and the Pediatrician says all is well. His umbilical chord also fell off this weekend. He's growing up so fast....sob, sob. We only have 6565 days until he turns 18! Can you believe it?
Oh and Holly is doing very well too. She is moving around much better and is even talking about going back to the gym. In fact she got approval from her Doctor to start walking. If you know Holly, you know she can't just sit and relax. That must be why Lincoln wanted to come join us 2 weeks early!
During Lincoln's first week of life, Oma and Opa Squires came and visited. It was great having them around and we can't wait for them to come visit again. In fact, we had to make sure they didn't try to steal him away from us by putting a stuffed animal in his bassinet! :-) They are definitely the proud first-time grandparents. And of course, we can't wait for Meemaw Munson to come visit, along with his Aunts. We're going to have a steady flow of visitors in the coming weeks, which we absolutely can not wait for! First time Aunt Kelley will be by this weekend with her boyfriend Tim. And then right afterwards Chris, Joe, Debbie, Megan and Riley McCarthy are stopping by on their way up the East Coast. It will be so nice to see them again! And then Meemaw Munson, Auntie Wendy and cousin Jennifer will be staying with us for a few days. They'll be the first visitors in our new house. Right around the 14th of July, we will be moving from our beautiful townhouse on the lake to a single family home with a backyard. We figured it would be better for us since there won't be as many stairs and of course the backyard will be so much better for Holly-Bear, who by the way has adjusted pretty well to our new addition.
So that's pretty much the news after week 1. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. I hope everyone enjoys these updates. If not, oh well. We'll keep on typing them and you can decide if you want to read them or not. We miss everyone and enjoy the pictures! P.S.~ Go Cowboys!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
To Heaven and Back!
As many of you have heard, Holly did not have the smooth birthing that we had originally planned. I guess we should get used to our plans being changed on accounts of Lincoln! LOL. For those who did not hear, Holly's water broke about 4 a.m. on the morning of 19 June. Her contractions began getting much stronger by 2 p.m. that afternoon so we packed up and drove to the birthing center. We were welcomed with quite a surprise when she was not dilated at all! After a couple more hours, the midwife was able to get her dilated to 3 cm. This was where the fun began. She was contracting about every 5 minutes until 3 or so the next morning. After only getting to 4 cm we decided it was time to head to the hospital to utilize drugs to help the labor progress. About 26.5 hours after her water broke and fighting through hundreds of contractions, she finally decided to take the epidural. Without say, that relieved much of the pain, however the other drugs meant to progress the labor just weren't working. It was then that we decided on doing a cesarean section and to everyone's elation, Lincoln Steven Squires was born at 7:45 a.m. on 20 June 2009. His cries were the most beautiful thing we have ever heard. He was born healthy, weighing in at 5 lbs 14 oz and measuring 18 3/4 inches. Although part of that was his cone shaped head! So now I present to you, our newest addition...Lincoln Steven Squires!

So people may be wondering who won the lottery. Actually it would be Mom and Dad! Mommy was closest to the date and the length and Daddy was closest to weight. So thank you to everyone who played but tough luck. I guess our prize is our new son! LOL We will update more in the next couple of days but we wanted to get the pictures out. Thank you for everyone's support! We can't wait for everyone to meet him.
So people may be wondering who won the lottery. Actually it would be Mom and Dad! Mommy was closest to the date and the length and Daddy was closest to weight. So thank you to everyone who played but tough luck. I guess our prize is our new son! LOL We will update more in the next couple of days but we wanted to get the pictures out. Thank you for everyone's support! We can't wait for everyone to meet him.
Friday, June 19, 2009
It's Time!!!
This is a quick post to let everyone know that our lovely Holly has gone into labor. Once the contractions are about 5 minutes apart, we'll head to the birthing center. We are so excited to finally meet Lincoln (and obviously he is ready to meet everyone else!) We love everyone and will update you once he's here (with pictures!)!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
36 Week Update
Hello everyone! We just wanted to send everyone a quick update. As some of you may or may not have heard, during our last appointment with our midwife, they thought that Lincoln was in a breach position. For those that don't know what that is, it means that his head was up with his feet down. For birth, this is a less-than-optimal position. It was a little distressing because we had planned to give birth at a birthing center and if Lincoln was breach, it would've meant Holly would've had to have a cesarean section. So yesterday, Holly visited her chiropractor who was trained in techniques to help turn babies. After about an hour of work, she came home a little sore but feeling good. Then this morning, we went in for an ultrasound to confirm Lincoln's position. Much to our surprise, Lincoln had flipped over and was in the normal head-down position. I guess he isn't as stubborn as his momma! Okay, maybe he gets it from his daddy! LOL!! Needless to say, we were VERY happy. So here's his updated picture:

If you look closely, this is a picture of his face and that's actually his tiny foot just beneath his little mouth. Very cute if you ask us! I think he looks like his daddy! What do you all think?? The technician did her measurements and he currently weighs 5lbs 12 oz! He is moving along just perfectly. He is actually measuring a week behind our estimated due date (4 July) so he may make his appearance a little later than we had expected. We'll have to see though. Feel free to make changes to your guesses if you feel like it. Alright we love you all and hope to hear from everyone soon! We'll keep everyone updated as we get closer!

If you look closely, this is a picture of his face and that's actually his tiny foot just beneath his little mouth. Very cute if you ask us! I think he looks like his daddy! What do you all think?? The technician did her measurements and he currently weighs 5lbs 12 oz! He is moving along just perfectly. He is actually measuring a week behind our estimated due date (4 July) so he may make his appearance a little later than we had expected. We'll have to see though. Feel free to make changes to your guesses if you feel like it. Alright we love you all and hope to hear from everyone soon! We'll keep everyone updated as we get closer!
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