So here we are, approaching the third trimester of this wonderful journey. As most of you know, we are expecting our first child this summer and yes, it's a boy!!! Despite Nick's constant pestering about naming his son Thor, he was ultimately overruled. To his disappointment, Magnus wasn't chosen either! We did come up with a decision however, and the baby's name will be Lincoln Steven Squires. We both loved the name Lincoln and Steven is after Holly's beloved Father. Luckily we have him looking down on us as we start this little family.
We decided to follow our dearest friend's (Matt and Liz Fine) lead and create a blog to keep family and friends updated on the pregnancy, the birth and how our lives are going to be radically changed. We will also post photos and videos as much as we can to keep you all involved. So to start, here are Lincoln's latest ultrasound photos:

Isn't it obvious! It's a Boy!!!
These were the 20 week ultrasound photos and right now we are in the 23rd or 24th week. Which brings up our next point. To make this a little more interactive, we've created a little game for you all to play. It's a betting pool for everyone to guess when the baby will be born and how much he will weigh. Follow this link and let us know what you think. When you get to the site, in the upper left hand corner you will have to put LincolnsLottery in the game name. As a hint, our estimated due date is July 4th, 2009! And we haven't decide on a prize yet, but we will do something. Maybe a chance a babysit??? Just kidding. Here's the link: